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Finance Committee Minutes 05/06/2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
May 6, 2008
Council Chambers

                       Ken Norman (KN), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM), Jack Caulfield (JC),
                        Craig Maire (CM), Mark Cataldo (MC), Pat Goldsmith (PG), Rebecca Cameron (RC)
                       Robert Vitale (RV) arrived at 7:05PM.

                       Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Jim Dacey (Treasurer)

                       Brett Feldman (BF), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)

Item #            Motion/2nd        Discussion, motion, Agenda item                                     Vote
                                                   Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                   Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                   at 7:00PM.

                                                   No citizen comments

KN/MC            Approve minutes of March 27th meeting.                      8-0-0

KN/MC            Approve minutes of March 31st meeting.                      8-0-0
PG/MC            Approve minutes of April 1st meeting.                             8-0-0

KN/MC            Approve minutes of April 9th meeting.                             8-0-0

                                                 On the above items Robert Vitale had not
                                                 arrived yet to vote.
MC/KN            Motion to change FY2009 Recreation Department           9-0-0
                                                 Dept. 630 Expenses from $206,500 to $218,500
                                                  increase is from estimated receipts. New department
                                                 total is $417,985.

                                                 Robert Vitale arrived and is now voting.

KN/RV               Motion to approve transfer of $1,200 from Risk                 9-0-0
                                                Management- Insurance Premiums to Zoning Board of  
                                                 Appeals expenses for FY 2008.                                   

KN/RV              Motion to approve transfer of $6,000 from Risk                     9-0-0
                                               Management - Insurance  Premiums to Comptroller                        
                                                Expenses for FY 2008/
                                               To cover additional advertising costs for bids for
                                                Capital projects and annual bids.

KN/MC             Motion to approve transfer of $200 from Risk                   9-0-0
                                            Management – Insurance Premiums to Veterans
                                             Expenses Office supplies.
                                             Office supplies exceeded budget this year.

KN/MC              Motion to approve transfer of $8,000 from Risk               9-0-0
                                             Management –Insurance Premiums to Elections &
                                             To hold special election in June 2008

KN/MC                Motion to approve transfer of $499,218 from Free         9-0-0
                                              Cash to Snow & Ice Department.
                                              To cover snow and ice deficit.

KN/MC                  Motion to approve transfer of $169,887 from                9-0-0
                                               Free Cash to Ladder Truck Purchase Pay down.
                                               To pay off portion of fire truck banned.

New Business:      Jim Roche stated that a sample of the official
                                                Override ballot was out for people to look at.

Adjournment:       Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.